Akamai es un empresa clásica de aceleración de contenidos digitales. Periódicamente realiza una investigación llamada "The State of the Internet" donde expone la evolución de los ataques a equipos y el desarrollo de las tecnologías de acceso a Internet en los países del planeta. El resumen del informe que recién se ha publicado es el siguiente "During the second quarter of 2008, Akamai observed attack traffc originating from 139 unique countries around the world. Japan and the United States were the two largest attack raffc sources, accounting for over 50% of observed traffc in total. Akamai observed attack raffc targeted at over 400 unique network ports. Many of the ports that saw the highest evels of attack traffc were targeted by worms, viruses, and bots that spread across the nternet several years ago. In addition, “SQL injection” Web site hacks continued to spread, nfecting hundreds of thousands of Web pages.
Several signifcant Web site outages occurred during the second quarter, including problems at
Amazon.com’s e-commerce site, Slashdot.org, and several large shared hosting providers, as well as the “cloud computing” platforms delivered by Google and Amazon.com.
Akamai observed that from a global perspective, South Korea continued to have the highest measured levels of “high broadband” (>5 Mbps) connectivity. In the United States, Delaware once again topped the list, with over 65% of connections to Akamai occurring at 5 Mbps or greater. At the other end of the bandwidth spectrum, Rwanda and the Solomon Islands continued to top the list of slowest countries, with 93% or more of the connections to Akamai rom both countries occurring at below 256 Kbps. In the United States, Washington State and the District of Columbia turned in the highest percentages of sub-256 Kbps connections. However, in contrast to the international measurements, these states only saw 21% and 16% of connections below 256 Kbps, respectively."
Several signifcant Web site outages occurred during the second quarter, including problems at
Amazon.com’s e-commerce site, Slashdot.org, and several large shared hosting providers, as well as the “cloud computing” platforms delivered by Google and Amazon.com.
Akamai observed that from a global perspective, South Korea continued to have the highest measured levels of “high broadband” (>5 Mbps) connectivity. In the United States, Delaware once again topped the list, with over 65% of connections to Akamai occurring at 5 Mbps or greater. At the other end of the bandwidth spectrum, Rwanda and the Solomon Islands continued to top the list of slowest countries, with 93% or more of the connections to Akamai rom both countries occurring at below 256 Kbps. In the United States, Washington State and the District of Columbia turned in the highest percentages of sub-256 Kbps connections. However, in contrast to the international measurements, these states only saw 21% and 16% of connections below 256 Kbps, respectively."

Direcciones IPs únicas por países

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