martes, enero 13, 2009

CFP LRE Journal: Special Issue on Plagiarism and Authorship Analysis

CALL FOR PAPERS "Language Resources and Evaluation Journal"
Special Issue on Plagiarism and Authorship Analysis

Guest Editors: Efstathios Stamatatos, Benno Stein, and Moshe Koppel

The vast number of electronic texts available in Internet media (e.g.,newspaper articles, blogs, online forum messages, email messages) necessitates automated processing of information. However, it also increases opportunities for infringement of intellectual property rights. One important question is whether a text by a specific author includes another author's ideas, language, or writing without proper acknowledgment of the original source. Plagiarism analysis is a general term for a variety of automated methods for identifying plagiarism and related infringements. In connection with text documents, we distinguish between corpus-based and intrinsic analysis: the former compares suspicious documents against a set of potential original documents, the latter identifies potentially plagiarized passages by analyzing the suspicious document with respect to changes in writing style. Such passages can then be used as a starting point for a Web search or for human inspection. In addition, writing style can also be exploited by authorship analysis tools to extract meta-data for a textual document. Thus, by analyzing the
stylistic choices of an author, it is possible to estimate the author's sex, age, educational level etc. Moreover, given that we have examples of the writing style of a set of candidate authors, we can identify the most likely author of a new text or verify whether this text is written by a specific author. Apart from the traditional usage of this technology in the analysis of literary works, such information is crucial for forensic applications where part of the evidence is electronic text.

This special issue solicits state-of-the-art methods, tools, and applications in the area of Plagiarism and Authorship Analysis. The following list gives examples from the outlined field for which contributions are welcome (but not limited to):

- Plagiarism detection in general, in Web communities and social networks

- Cross-language plagiarism

- Identifying near-duplicate and versioned documents

- Technology for high-similarity retrieval such as fingerprinting and similarity hashing

- Models for authorship identification and verification

- Writing style analysis and author profiling

- NLP- and knowledge-based retrieval models to capture personal traits and sentiment

- Web forensics, community fraud, and new Web infringements

- Test corpora, performance measures, and evaluation methods


Prospective authors should submit their paper according to the directionson the LRE Web site following the content and formatting guidelines available at

Submissions will be reviewed according to the standards of the LRE journal. Papers should not have been submitted or published elsewhere but may be extended or refined versions of conference papers with significant new, original material.

Prospective authors are advised to inform the guest editors about their intention to submit a paper as soon as possible.

All questions about submissions should be directed to


April 30, 2009 Submission of articles
July 1, 2009 Notification to authors
August 31, 2009 Final version of accepted papers


Efstathios Stamatatos
University of the Aegean, Greece

Benno Stein
Weimar University, Germany

Moshe Koppel
Bar-Ilan University, Israel


2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Esta es mi primera visita i tiempo aquí. He encontrado cosas interesantes para muchos en su blog sobre todo el debate. De las toneladas de comentarios sobre sus artículos, creo que no soy el único que tiene toda la diversión aquí! mantener el buen trabajo.

Anónimo dijo...

Hola muy bonito blog! Hombre .. Hermosa .. Increíble .. Voy a tu favorito y tomar la alimenta también ...